Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I arrived in Dar es Salaam on Wed May 11, 2011 and it was a long flight! My luggage got lost but I was glad to have finally arrived. As soon as I arrived I had to go to meet the rest of the interns at a CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) meeting at the Embassy where we learned all about what CIDA does and the influence they have over the funding of different NGO's and Canada's role in helping Tanzania. It seems like we could be doing a lot more to help. After the meeting we went for lunch that overlooked a cute playground. Then we went to where I'll be staying for the next two months, Passionist Fathers House in Michocheni B. Later that night I went back to the airport to get my luggage and had spent over 4 hours in traffic total for the day driving to and from the airport. There is only one main road from the airport and traffic is so bad! The people here create their own lanes of traffic on the sides of the road because if they didn't they would never get anywhere. It's so different from home, there are street vendors walking in and out of traffic trying to sell you stuff all the time. Although parts of the road is paved, other parts are not and the infrastructure is not where it needs to be. So I've finally arrived and I'm excited for what's to come!

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