Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 13, 2011

Today I woke up early and went for a run on the beach with Cherie and Moriah. We have to walk down the street before we get to the beach and we have to walk single file because the traffic is so bad. We ran along the shoreline and the beauty of the ocean and the sunset was so beautiful. I absolutely love it! There were quite a few people on the beach working out, doing kickboxing, running and fishing. Its so hot here that two minutes after showering you start to sweat again. We had another Swahili lesson and then went to White Sands Resort, which is only 5,000 shillings for the day to use their beach, pool and facilities (that's only about $4-5). The beauty of the beach was indescribable the pictures don't do it justice! It's crazy that there's so much beauty in Africa yet at the same time so much poverty. You can be staring at the gorgeous ocean scenery and then turn around to impoverished houses with kids running bare foot and chicken running freely. The houses and people that we consider to be in poverty don't even compare to what it's like here. Someone who may be considered poor in Canada may have a house that someone here would die for. I'm starting to become more adjusted to my arrival and excited to get started on some projects for the boona baana kids. I think I'm gonna research some ideas around HIV/AIDS prevention programs, which will be really interesting, so I'm excited.

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