Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mon May 23, 2011

Today on our morning jog it was very evident the lack of importance drivers give pedestrians. They don't stop nor care if your in their way and they don't stop for you. It's weird because in Canada people always stop for pedestrians. The law is corrupt here aswell. A group of us got pulled over in a taxi one day for no reason and the police man was threatening the taxi driver and was going to fine him but didn't end up, while at the same time every second vehicle is carrying too many passengers and passengers in their back cab and they don't get pulled over. The 16 hour power outages started today so we went to Oyster Bay to use their internet, but the internet wasn't working their either. We went out for lunch at a place called Sweet Easy and it was really good. Went to the green door home and the kids are really starting to like us and this one little girl especially likes me and kept coming over today, taking my arms and wrapping them around her, it was really cute! For some reason the boys have it in their heads that I'm good at math, haha, so everytime someone has a math question on their homework they all call my name to get me to come help them! We decided to invite the kids over for dinner and a movie at our house on Thursday, so they are all really excited!

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