Monday, July 4, 2011

Friday June 24, 2011 – Safari Time!

We got a complimentary breakfast at our hotel which was chapatti, mandaazi, watermelon and the tea I’m obsessed with, African pride tea! We got picked up at 8:30am for our safari and stopped on the way to buy some Masai blankets to use as a blanket at night in the tents. It took about three hours to get to Lake Manyara because on the way our tire popped so the guides had to replace it. Shortly after we got to Lake Manyara our jeep broke down. It was the clutch and it took close to 2 ½ to 3 hours to fix. Luckily we were stopped in an area where there was a ton of baboons and they came up really close to us and we got some good pictures. We had lunch while we were waiting, but they forgot I said I was vegetarian so all I could eat was a chapatti and a deep fried muffin! Jenny and I were eating our lunch on the roof of the jeep and we thought we were going to get attacked by a baboon because this one came running up really fast to the car because it smelt the food! Another vehicle came to get us and take us to the hippo pool while the jeep finished being fixed. When the jeep came back we went for a game drive and we ended up seeing wildebeest, giraffe, zebras, vervet monkeys, elephants, dik diks, and waterbucks. It was so dusty driving in Lake Manyara so we were all very dirty by the end. We went back to have dinner and to our surprise we got to sleep in a lodge on the first night. We thought we’d be camping for all three nights but we stay in a lodge the first night and then camp the other two nights. Our cook Said was amazing, he made us homemade cucumber soup, popcorn appy, hot chocolate, tea, mixed veggies, fried potatoes, fish, and mango and oranges. To our surprise the showers at the lodge were also hot, which was nice since we wouldn’t be showering for the next two days!

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