Thursday, July 14, 2011

Monday July 4, 2011 - kuishi, upendo, cheka

Went on a jog this morning. Then went to slipway at 10am to get rest of the things I need for presents and stuff. Jocelyn and I shopped around and found this one store that had a sign for sale that read “Love many, trust few, learn to paddle your own canoe”, I thought it was cute! We went to novel idea again and I got another book because I’m a sucker for books! It’s called “Dead Aid” and it’s all about foreign aid in Africa and why it doesn’t work as well as we are lead to believe it does. We found this book in the book store that had a bunch of African proverbs in it and were flipping through and found this one:

Wise Kiswahili proverb: “If you play in mud you will get splashed” (HAHA…so wise ;))

Jocelyn and I made our own wise proverb of today: “If you eat peanut butter for breakfast you will get full” (We can be wise too ;))

Behind slipway there’s a market where you can buy lots of souvenirs. Jocelyn, Kara, and I found this lady that did henna so we got some done on our hands! It looked really good! It was the black henna kind so it kinda looks like were being taking over by some black creature like in Spider Man 2, but it’s pretty at the same time!

We went to boona baana in the afternoon and painted some pictures outside with the kids. Man am I going to miss them!

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