Monday, July 4, 2011

Thursday June 23, 2011 - Off to Arusha

Woke up at 4:45am to catch the bus to Arusha. We thought it was supposed to be a 9 hour bus ride but it ended up being closer to 12 hours. It was a gorgeous scenic ride so that helped with the length! We stopped for a pit stop about 3 or 4 hours in, but it was just on the side of the road with no bathroom and a giant bus load of on-lookers so none of us went. Luckily we stopped for lunch a couple hours later and there were drop hole bathrooms. There was a concession that consisted of purely chicken and chips, so I got the only thing I could which was chappati and mandaazi, which are both deep fried goodness. On the way to Arusha we passed by a town called Moshi and it is apparently the cleanest town in Tanzania. We got to Arusha and went to our hotel, the Caanan hotel, to drop off our bags and then went to the safari office to pay for the rest of our safari. The climate in Arusha is way cooler than it is in Dar and I was actually a bit cold. It is also way less populated. Had a late dinner at our hotel which had a restaurant with a menu that had about 25 different dishes on it but they only had the supplies to make about 3 of them. So everything we asked for they said they didn’t have, haha, so being a vegetarian the only thing they had that I could eat was a green salad. About forty five minutes to an hour later they bring out our food and my green salad was a mixture of mango, banana, and avocado, haha! It was good though and it was only 2,000 tsh! We were happy with our rooms, they were only about $10 a night and the showers were hot, it was clean, and there was electricity at night time to charge our cameras, oh and the toilets that flushed! Although, the double beds were just slightly bigger than a twin bed so Moriah and I had to cuddle, haha!

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