Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Thursday June 30, 2011 - Why am I here?

Being in Tanzania and working with the Boona Baana and KidzCare kids, I frequently found myself pondering the question of why I was here. Am I really making an impact? Am I here purely for selfish reasons? Am I doing more harm than good? Volunteering in an orphanage is at first glance an amazing experience that should benefit the kids, but when you are actually there and you realize that over the last two months you have bonded with these kids so much and soon you will be just another volunteer that has come and gone, it hits you hard. Maybe I am doing more harm than good by being in their lives for such a short amount of time and then leaving, but I’m trying to think positively about it and think that even just bringing smiles to their faces and doing fun things with them is worth it. I also plan to stay in touch with the kids and work to try and make a long lasting impression, one that won’t end on the last day I visit Boona Baana and the KidzCare home.
Group photo after having fun with pipe cleaners!

We found baby rats under those bricks!

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