Friday, July 15, 2011

Saturday July 9, 2011 – Slumber Party at Boona Baana

We continued making the scrapbooks for the boona baana kids this morning and they are just about done. The other girls will give them to the kids after I leave and they will each have one for themselves to keep. Tonight we slept over at boona baana! The power was out until 11pm and since it gets dark at around 7pm every night without fail, we ended up having to use flashlights and then we played capture the flag outside with glow sticks! Once the power went on we went inside and watched a movie, the kids picked “Never Say Never” the movie about Justin Bieber! K, J, and I were falling asleep near the end of the movie and had to go to bed haha, but the rest of the kids stayed up for a bit! In the morning Mama B made us Chai and bread for breakfast. Saying good-bye sucked, for lack of a better word! I left my email with them, but it’s gonna be hard not seeing them anymore especially because we were with them three days a week every week!

The way to happiness -- keep your heart free from hate, your mind free from worry, live simply, expect little, give much.
-- Carol Borges

That night we went out for dinner for my last night. We walked to this hotel/restaurant called Mediterrano right on the beach! It was really nice there and their seats looked like canoes! It was nice to have one last dinner with my Tanzanian family and also to play peaches and pits for the last time with them (a tradition I’m going to carry on!).
The whole gang!

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