Friday, July 15, 2011

Sunday July 10, 2011 – Until We Meet Again

There is no passion to be found playing small, settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.
- Nelson Mandela

I can’t believe I’m leaving today and my journey is winding to an end. I’ve had an amazing experience in Tanzania that I will hold with me forever. I’ve learned so much, grown as a person, and made friendships here that will last forever. Coming to Africa has changed my perspective on countless things.  I am so much more aware of the inequalities of this world and just how lucky I am to live in a country that provides me with so many opportunities. I am also aware of how I want to help those that don’t have the things that our country does. Although my impact here was small, the time I spent with the kids at Kidzcare and Boona Baana have not only given me the drive to continue helping Africa but in a way it also gave me an obligation to. Africa is a place of inequality, poverty, violence, and deprivation, yet I was able to fall in love with it. It was an experience I wouldn’t have changed for the world and one that no one can understand fully unless they have been there! Asante sana Africa! Until next time….

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