Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Monday June 27, 2011

The crater was my favorite! There were so many animals there and I was really glad we did it last because it was like a finale!! We saw a hippo out of water and we even saw lions up close and personal....there was one so close to our jeep that if I bent over I could have petted her! Today I learned that ostrichs can run up to 70kms/hr! It was an all around amazing day today and not much went wrong with the vehicle to boot! Today was our last day on safari, it was the best four days EVER and I wish I could keep going for another four days. In summary I think we had: three flat tires, one broken clutch, three times that the jeep overheated, stuck in the mud twice (once where we had to push), one roof that wouldn’t close so we got soaked, and three nights four days of pure African safari bliss! Maisha ni nzuri....a.k.a....life is good!

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